Brianna Watts was my best-friend for the past 10 years. I met her back in 2015 when i was in college at WMU and she had moved to Kalamazoo, and instantly knew we were going to be friends for the rest of our lives. We clicked instantly. We connected on music interests, our family dynamics, what we wanted our life, and a plethora of other things. We’re 100% the odd couple of bestfriends, you’d look at us and think “how are those two bestfriends?” and we loved that. I still remember the first time I met her, I had never met someone with so much natural confidence in knowing who they were and what they wanted out of life. A lot of people would get intimidated by her sense of self, and I never was. I always just appreciated the fact that no matter what, you were always getting the real her. There was not an ounce of fakeness in her.
She knew every single thing about me, and vice versa. Other than my biological sister, she is the closest thing I have had to another sister in my life. We were total opposites but also the exact same person. We talked every single day when she lived in Michigan and hung out, and when she moved to Phoenix with her mom to stay in contact, we FaceTimed close to if not every single day. We laughed, we cried, we listened to music, and sometimes we wouldn’t even talk at all, we’d just keep each other company. One of my favorite things to do was FaceTime her and her mom, Christine, and just talk about movies and TV shows because of the debates we would get into. I loved it.
One of the things I am happiest about is that I introduced my bestfriend, Joey, to her. They became bestfriends instantly and the three of us became a little family. We FaceTimed everyday, texted everyday, and never were not laughing. Brianna had a sense of humor about her that Joey and I loved because of how nonchalant she would say things. The facial expressions she could make were 1 of 1.
I remember when she became pregnant with Christopher and told me for the first time, and thinking how lucky of a kid Christopher was going to be for having Bri as a mom. And he was. She loved nobody and nothing more on this planet than her son.
When Brianna finally moved back to Michigan, she dropped off a bunch of clothes that Christopher grew out of for my sister who was giving birth to my nephew, and I was beyond grateful. Her loyalty always was at the forefront of her character, and she loved doing things for people she loved.
I was able to meet Christopher for the first time back in January when Bri, Joey and I went to a basketball game, and we picked up right where we left off in person. I had felt like a piece of normalcy was brought back to my life having her back here.
The last time I saw Bri, she was happy. And that’s how I will always remember her. Happy, smiling, making jokes, and always being there for me. I’d give anything to see her one last time just to say I love her and appreciate everything she’s ever done for me.
I’ll never meet anyone like Brianna Watts again in my lifetime. She is a 1 of 1. I know she is in Heaven looking down on all of her friends and family right now being our guardian angel. I miss her more than words can describe, but I know I will be seeing her again someday. She is forever apart of who I am, and I will make sure anyone who asks about her, knows what an incredible person she was. I miss you Bri.