Barbara's Memory Wall
We encourage you to share your most beloved memories of Barbara here, so that the family and other loved ones can always see it. Share your favorite stories or comment on those shared by others.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Steve & Jan Chaudoir
February 25th, 2025 at 8:24am
I was shocked to hear about Barb’s passing. I have not done cat transports for the SPCR since September 2024, then when my dad passed at the end of October I was out of it(still am). Barb’s posts on Facebook have not shown up, I would have to look to see any posts. I would travel to Michigan from Indiana and meet Barb in her cherry red Blazer to transport felines to foster homes. I am very glad I met Barb, she had great advice for me. What a wonderful person, smart, loved her family and animals. Sorry I did not know that she had cancer and passed, would have wanted to say goodbye.
Hope Hanford
February 21st, 2025 at 4:07pm
Barbara and I always thought of each of as our "first friends in life", we lived two doors apart growing up, spent many, many hours together along with Kathleen, sharing my Grandma's pizza on Sundays, and 4th of July fireworks at your Grandparents. I was happy to be an attendant in her wedding to Allen. As life moved us both around we still were in contact. We were last together in 2014 but it seems like yesterday. Thank you for your friendship, your dedication and love to your family and nursing work, and your smile and laughter. Miss you friend. Cathy Merlone Madigan
Catherine Merlone Madigan
February 11th, 2025 at 10:45am
Barb was truly a special person. She will be greatly missed by her family, friends, and Lakeland associates. She was a valuable contributor to the healthcare in our community and a leader within our management team. Mostly her smiling face and positivity.
Joe Wasserman
February 10th, 2025 at 1:39pm
So sorry to hear of Barb’s passing! Worked with her at Lakeland St. Joe and she was truly a special person who was not afraid to say what she thought! We shared lots of laughs and she knew I was jealous when she retired and left me behind! Rest in peace, my friend! “Today and always, may loving memories bring those who love you peace, comfort, and strength.”
Mary Lou Strock
February 10th, 2025 at 12:47pm
Barb was an incredible leader and mentor. I’m grateful for the opportunities she gave me to balance work and family life during the years I was part of her education team at Lakeland. Her respect for family needs, as they arose, was an example I have never forgotten. Blessings on her own dear family. She will be greatly missed. ♥️
Jane Snyder
February 8th, 2025 at 11:53am
I knew Barb from the hospital. She had a wonderful spirit that shown brightly. I am sorry to hear of her passing.
Shirley Polk-Miller
February 7th, 2025 at 11:35am
I've known Barb most of my life. I have always appreciated her honesty, straight forwardness, sense of humor, and most of all her enduring friendship with my mom, Jane for the past 50+ years. She will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to you Brian, Allen and family.
Kendra Floyd
February 6th, 2025 at 6:18pm
Stan and I both had the privilege of working with Barb at the hospital. I remember her enthusiasm about the parish nurse program, and knew it was off to a great start under Barb's strong leadership. Barb was the kind of woman who spoke as she saw it. One never wondered what was on her mind. Barb led well and with compassion. It was an honor to have known her.
Carolyn and Stan Strzyzykowski
February 5th, 2025 at 7:33pm
Barb hired me into the Education Department at Mercy-Memorial Medical Center where there were 4 of us in a small office. There are so many memories for those of us that had the pleasure to work with Barb in that department including community events. Many of us are still friends because we formed a work family back in the 1980’s. You will be missed Barb but you are happy being reunited with Jack!
Maureen Bishop
February 5th, 2025 at 5:28pm