A Remembrance Sent to The Bucksbarg Family.
August 30, 2018
Transition means change, adaption for all.
The experience of life....commencing with conception shaped out of love between two souls, to being rocked in the cradle and safety ensured, to the blur of time passing and the search for one’s meaning, to the departure from our earthly vessels... all of this does not climax into a terminus, rather this cycle represents new beginnings and rebirth.
Sudden loss quickly ushers in renewal for those of us that remain and a new state of being for those that have departed. This is where we are today...we are assembled by grief but reflect in joy to celebrate the life of Andrew James Bucksbarg.
Simple written words cannot realistically describe or summarize what Andrew was. Andrew lived a life filled with passion, passion for others and, sometimes, more than for himself! His passion to help this world and to help each of us assembled here today was nearly limitless. We all must create and give the type of passion that Andrew give during his life and go forward strongly with such edicts.....
Andrew loved the beauty of this planet and all of the creatures that make up this blue and green marble. He cared for the purity of the land: our forests, our waters. He enjoyed hiking through spaces not shaped by the hands or plows of man. He had a knack in caring for plants, stewarding of animals, re-purposing objects left as refuse. He was an early adapter of making sure that this planet is left in a better than how it was handled over to us. His sentience of being, humanitarianism, vegetarianism, and love for all always shined and radiated through.....Andrew was family to us all. He was a son to his parents, a brother to his siblings and many here, an uncle, a cousin. We now all go on in life missing such sentience, understanding, and caring.....
Andrew influenced many of us here. He also sought out, was inspired , and challenged by like minds. Andrew continually explored and desired knowledge. Knowledge to help create, knowledge to explore, and knowledge to bring a sense of whole and being into his and all of our lives. Andrew represented the genius of mantic means. He was an artist, builder, re-purposer, musician, and composer. His works possess his soul or essence. His pieces hang on the walls of our homes, are found on our coffee tables, are used as pieces of furniture, we wear them, we make random noises with them, or are accessed through a computer. Andrew’s genius of the mantic arts lives with us as we cherish his pieces of essence created for us...
Andrew, as we all cannot forget, was a practical joker. He had quirky sense of humor. He would play gags on you and tests the limits of madness. He would make up crazy and indescribable words and sounds. He loved life each and every day, he used laughter and jokes to brighten our world. Now it is incumbent upon us that we must restart and rekindle this type of cajoling, laughter, and joy that has recently left, all without him.....
But in the end, all that can be said, or that I can express through my grief while thinking of his passing and having moments of joy sporadically resurface while reflecting on being a part of his experience, so long provocateur, influencer, humanitarian, joker....... until we meet again.
I know that you are hiking the limitless expansion of this universe. I am assured the you are making music, creating art, and preparing excellent food......
Adieu my friend, my brother....as a piece of me has left with you on your departure.
AndrewBucksbarg #noizician #N_Drew #organiccode