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Jerry Ragsdell

Jerry Mack Ragsdell

March 13th, 1942 - February 5th, 2025

Jerry's Obituary

Jerry M. Ragsdell, 82, was born March 13, 1942, and grew up in a small town in Arkansas. He was the youngest child by several years of Russell and Hazel (Gramling) Ragsdell. He was a brilliant and imaginative boy.

Jerry moved frequently with his parents as his father was a Methodist preacher. Missouri, Arkansas, Arizona and even the City of Chicago would be home to him. He attended many different schools – thirteen, until he graduated from Breman High School in Midlothian, IL in 1957. He worked full-time while he finished his last year in high school.

From there as a young man of 22, with a strong work ethic, he began forming his first Freight Bill Auditing Company in partnership with his brother Russell Ragsdell. While Russell originally owned the company, Jerry eventually bought his shares and started a path of business ventures, including Scott Cartage, Trans Data Management, Satellite Systems, Ragsdell Group, Inc. and Condata Global. He also served as President of Rand McNally TDM for 12 years. At present he leaves behind his latest endeavor – Ragsdell Geosystems in Michigan City, IN.

Jerry is deeply respected by the trucking industry, as he influenced many with an innovative process of navigating miles traveled on the road. He also practiced transportation law and represented the vast trucking association in Washington, DC for two years. Condata Global was the third largest freight auditing company in the U.S. when Jerry sold it.

Jerry is dearly missed by his loving wife Linda; daughters – Jennifer Ragsdell and Julia May; and grandson – James Miles, III.

He imparted much love and wisdom to all. Brilliant, generous and kindness beyond measure will be his legacy. His love and humorous but serious character will live on in everyone that knew him.

There will be a Memorial Gathering with a buffet luncheon at the New Buffalo Yacht Club, on Thursday – March 13, from 1:00-4:00pm. A brief service is at 2:00pm with Pastor Kel Penny officiating.

God Bless and embrace Jerry Ragsdell.

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